Estate EIN

Apply For An Estate EIN Online

If you would like to apply for an EIN online for an estate, click the button on the right hand side.  The online EIN application is extremely simple and should only take you five (5) minutes to complete.

If you are unsure if you should apply for an EIN online as an estate, read the following description below to get a better idea.

Apply as an Estate for an EIN online if:

  • You created a legal entity as a result of an individual's death, composed of real estate and/or personal possessions of the individual who passed away;
  • You distribute the contents of the estate to its named beneficiaries after the entity pays any liabilities owed by the deceased individual; and
  • You create the entity regardless of whether or not the deceased individual had a will.

NOTE: If you use the funds of an estate to create a trust, the trust is considered a different entity type and thus a new EIN is required.









